Knowing what salary you can expect and comparing your actual salary to a benchmark is a piece of information we all like to have. This is exactly the reason why we wrote this management accountant salary guide.
You find some links to decent salary calculators at the end of this article. However, this is not all. We will explain what factors may influence your salary and how you can positively affect them. A topic that is of interest for many management accountants. Also check out our guide to success, where we explain what it takes to be a great management accountant.
Factors in management accountant salary
Here are some factors that have a high impact on a management accountant’s salary:
- Region: It really depends on where in the world you are looking for a job. However, do not only think in terms of countries but also about regional differences within a certain country. Generally, urban areas provide higher pay than rural areas and in more famous cities you are able to earn more than in less famous ones.
- Qualification or not: One important cornerstone is whether you obtained a professional qualification or not. Owning designation letters like CIMA boosts your salary into another range.
- Experience: The more experience on the job you can offer, the higher your salary will be.
- Company size: Larger companies tend to pay a better salary than smaller companies. However, in smaller ones you often have more responsibility and variety in your tasks.
- Yourself: This one is huge but often forgotten. You can positively affect your salary. Yes, you can! Ask for a rise when you feel you deserve it. Change company from know and always progress with your salary. Take leadership and tell your boss. Do good work and speak about it. Everyone will know you deserve a raise.

Management accountant average salary
According to the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants, the average salary for a designation holder (Chartered Global Management Accountant) is $ 81’000. Average salaries for students prior to holding a designation is around $ 31’000.
Please keep in mind that these figures are global averages. The salary range for a management accountant at your location may be different.
In the UK, for example, you can expect to earn £ 65’000 as a qualified management accountant. As Robert Half highlights, average salaries vary from £ 73’900 in London to £ 53’200 in Manchester and Birmingham.
Salary calculators for management accountants
Here is a list of some decent salary calculators. You can use them as a reference or benchmark.
CGMA Salary Insights No registration, quick overview
PayScale Registration required, detailed report
Salaryexplorer No registration, standard reports for many countries
Our final tip, check with your local headhunter, HR consultant, employment agency or statistical office to receive a fully comprehensive figure.
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